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  • 主演:玛丽亚·邦妮薇,克里斯托弗·约纳尔,大卫·丹席克,玛莉亚·海思坎恩
  • 导演:Sara Johnsen       地区:挪威(2012 )      类型: 剧情  
  • 简介:

    最后更新于2024-04-24T16:27:01 , Two brothers in their 40s are found dead in the forest. By their side lies a woman, very weak, but still alive. "A..


Two brothers in their 40s are found dead in the forest. By their side lies a woman, very weak, but still alive. "All that matters is past" is the story of how Janne meets William after many years of separation. She leaves her family to live with him in a cabin by the river. They recreate the feeling of love and lust that they had as children, being sweethearts playing in the wo...
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